If Only. Wouldn’t that be the coolest of coolest things to happen. I just can’t get this tune out of my head that I switched up the words to Ina. Sorry – not intended to be false advertising 😀 … What is the name of this silly song I can’t get out of my head?
It has taken me almost a year to figure out how to log back in to this wordpress blog. I purchase the website name dot com every year to make sure I don’t lose it. But it doesn’t work either. Even the wordpress people themselves are no help. Now that I am finally back in, maybe it will be easier to make theflavorthusiast.com to actually work. I have many recipes and photos to add but they are all in the past 18 months. Who wants to go backwards? Thankfully, that is one of the things I have come to understand in the last year… we can’t go back. So with that…

The Sky’s the Limit!
With July, 2017 coming up, I am taking Independence Day to a whole new level in my little life. More Cooking for Others… More Growing for Others… More Joy for Others. and for Me… Just More. Seems kinda strange making resolutions in the middle of the year LOL. but hey, I’m the only one reading my thoughts here, so its all good. HAHA

The new garden is the biggest event of the year ^^ … just need to move out the the toys and put up the fencing around the chicken coop, She Shed and the part that is now leveled. I think the larger garden will definitely give me what I need in the feeding other’s plan. I am very excited about the new endeavor!
til next time….